Saturday, August 16, 2008

Would You Like to Add Some Elton John to Your Pizza Rolls?

There is a large shelf in the back of Doc's Pizza that holds spices, noodles, a boombox, and a small mountain of CD's. What music I like and dislike has been affected this past year by who I've worked with and what they listen too. Whether I buy a song on iTunes or swear never to listen to it again, it's usually because it was playing in the kitchen at Doc's that week.

One day I was working the slow shift with a kid named Jaimen Jones. It was just him and I for three hours. And for that entire three hours he played "Apologize" by One Republic. Just that one song. For THREE HOURS. By the time he left I was convinced (and still am a little) that there has never been a worse song written.

I think my favorite music incedent so far, however, is when we started listening to Elton John. I remember listening to "Tiny Dancer" one night. All the guys I was working with sang along, including my brother Paul. My hardcore Baptist boss (who was also singing along) kept shaking his head and saying, "It's a shame he's gay". A few days later I was working with a kid named Gary Greene. Gary is all about Green Day, Third Eye Blind, and Taking Back Sunday. He put in a CD and said, "Robin have you heard this song? It's kick-a! I mean, this is the song." I'll give you three guesses what song it was. We listened to "Tiny Dancer" several times and then the rest of "The Best of Elton John". I ended up buying "Tiny Dancer" and several other songs. But I'm finding the idea of this song being number one with guys hard to understand. Is it just the guys in Lindale?


Bundy 6 Pak said...

guys in Lindale....and James apparently.

Mindi said...

welcome to the blogging world! you are lovely.

some old chick that used to hang out with your mom. ( i could tell you stories......but i can't. your mom would strangle me.)

Shannon said...

I personally love Elton John and have been able to see him a few times in concert. My favorite time was when he toured with Billy you even know who that is??? Anyway, I'm not sure why the boys are fascinated with Tiny Dancer but it's a song that I also like.